09/09/09: My Nine Favorite Beatles Songs

The day has finally arrived. The ninth day of the ninth month of two thousand and nine. The Beatles: Rockband is now available in stores everywhere as are their newly remastered albums. To celebrate this momentous occasion, here are my top nine Beatles songs.

9. "It Won't Be Long"

8. "She Loves You"

7. "Norwegian Wood"

6. "Back In The USSR"

5. "Yesterday"

4. "With A Little Help From My Friends"

3. "Let It Be"

2. "Strawberry Fields Forever"

1. "I Saw Her Standing There"


Anonymous said...

She was just 17 if you know what I mean...

Anonymous said...

I almost ran out and bought it...but i dislike video games..but Love the beatles-Help! is the best song ever...peace out. God Bless

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