The very day I got home from my mission was 'Super Tuesday' and I watched as John McCain overtook Mitt Romney to become the Republican nominee for President. Only a few months later I found myself outside the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles as David Cook rallied texters to vote him over David Archuleta for American Idol. With that one-two punch, I was officially convinced that being Mormon wasn't cool anymore like it was in high school. It didn't seem to help Romney to believe that Jesus came to ancient America. It didn't seem to help Archuleta to be such a clean cut gee-whiz-mister kind of kid.
For some reason, being cool and accepted is something that's really important to us

I've often wondered why this validation is such a big deal for us. I guess we still carry around a bit of a persecution complex. It's easy to see why when angry women yell at you saying you're not a Christian and when gruff men slam the door in the face despite your promise that you're not selling anything and you'll take out the trash or move a heavy couch if that's what they need. The voices mocking and scoffing at not only Mormonism, but religion in general are so loud that, even with a strong testimony, having a little validation every once in a while feels good. You might think we're crazy, but we sure can sing and dance and be governors of liberal states.
One such validation came watching the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed with Ben Stein. You could argue about its use of emotional appeal but you couldn't disagree it's main point: that you can be intelligent and believe in intelligent design. As the film drew to a close, a familiar song was played. It was the Killer's "All These Things That I've Done". I was proud as Brandon Flowers sang "I've got soul but I'm not a soldier" and even prouder reading this month's issue of Rolling Stone magazine where, speaking about the Killer's frontman, Brian Hiatt wrote, "...unlike Bruce [Springsteen], or basically any rock star ever, Flowers is a practicing Mormon. He goes to church, and his wife, a schoolteacher and former manager of a Vegas Urban Outfitters, converted to the faith before they wed in 2005. They named [their son] Ammon after a missionary in the Book of Mormon".
And unlike David Archuleta or Donny Osmond, or basically any popular Mormon artist ever, Flowers isn't the clean cut gee-whiz-mister type. He grew up in Sin City, he's had his share of cigarettes and alcohol and partying, but he's apparently seen the error of his ways. Two years ago Flowers said he cleaned up his act. He told Rolling Stone, "I think I probably feel less guilt, and I'm also healthier than I've ever been. My wife being pregnant and all that really put things into perspective". He's got soul but he's not a soldier.

Rock and roll has always raged against what's considered appropriate. Elvis swivelled his hips, Madonna took her clothes off, and Brandon Flowers proved that being religious and being Mormon doesn't mean you have to lose your personality and conform to certain expectations. All you have to do is believe in something and live it. We're so used to rock stars' rebellion aimed at shredding America's values and leaving in its place a moral wasteland, but considering the vocal opposition and ridicule of religion, what Brandon Flowers is doing is rebellion. Sure, we don't see it as controversial, but Richard Dawkins probably would.
Thank you Brandon Flowers. Thank you for the music, thank you for living what you believe, and thank you for making Mormons cool again.
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus...
...but, you have to admit, he talks like a gentleman just like you imagined when you were young.
I suspect Brother Flowers is like all of us...perfectly imperfect. Great read dude!
Thanks for sharing--I think it is a good thing to not fit in the mold-but it does get hard at times if you do not fit the mold. I have the up most respect for Brother Flowers because he does not have a squeaky clean past. We need to feel "cool" because we have the need has people to feel accepted in the world whether we admit that or not. I have learned that I can think for myself and still believe in the Gospel. I respect you for sharing this with the people of today...thank you. And you are still Cool at least in my book-and hey California is not all that cool :) well maybe :)
Nice one Brandon!
You should be proud of being different from the ugly dirty filth we have on screens!!! Please don't change a thing!
Brandon Flowers rocks!!! Is there anything cooler than being an LDS family man and a rockstar at the same time? People think we lose our identities as mormons, but we all have our own identities and it's our beliefs and values what make us one.
I love The Killers music from the beggining and before I knew Brandon was a mormon. Now I respect him even more.
Greetings from Chile
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