Authorities have yet to name the female Chris Brown assaulted, but that hasn't stopped every major news source from naming Rihanna. Can you blame them though? The two of stars cancelled their Grammy appearances, and, "in light of recent events involving Rihanna" as her representatives say, her show in Malaysia scheduled for today has been postponed.
Radio stations have begun banning Brown's music and corporate sponsors Wrigley and the Body by Milk campaign have dropped him for the time being. While Britney Spears' recent success has proven that you can bounce back from anything, some aren't so sure that Brown can do the same. Billboard reports, "It's solely up to the fans who buy and listen to music to decide where his career goes from here," says Jeff Anderson, OM of Radio One's urban WCDX Richmond, Va. "In my personal opinion, his clean image has been bruised. But with damage control of an apology and anger management, he'll find a way to bounce back ... if his music is hot."
But what are the fans saying? Brittney G. from Gilbert, Arizona, changed her facebook status to Why, Chris? Whyyyyy?!?!???? on February 10th. Only two days later she changed it again to Brittney is dying. Of course, these two status updates could have no relation to each other whatsoever, but what if they did? The implications are alarming. Another Gilbert resident, Genevieve H. commented that she took down her Chris Brown poster for good :(. Louisiana native Barret B. commented that he was ugh. Sad day. Screw Chris Brown. Rihanna, you can come stand under my umbrella if you need to.
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