It Felt So Empty Without Eminem, Didn't It?


It's been a decade and Eminem is still making the exact same music and the exact same music videos. Don't get me wrong, Eminem has had strokes of brilliance; "Lose Yourself" and "Stan" justify his entire career. Even "Without Me" was good. "We Made You" isn't. The rapper's new song is an updated version of every controversy provoking single he's ever made with two major problems. First, his updated cultural references are six months too late (Blackout era Britney, Sarah Palin, Dukes of Hazzard Jessica Simpson) and second, it doesn't provoke as much controversy as it used to. You be the judge.


Ams4Ever said...

I am an eminem fan have been since the first single and will be to the last. I like his work. He is good, I like him because he does whatever he wants who cares if it is old news. Thanks for sharing.

hun*ter said...

The first time I watched this music video I was sitting with my room mate and we were discussing Eminem ten years ago which led to a discussion on life during the turn of the century. Then I went to international politics and the guy sitting next to me was wearing Adidas cologne, my cologne of choice circa eighth grade. It made me have turn of the century nostalgia. Maybe it's a good thing Eminem makes it so easy to relive those simpler days...

Anonymous said...

I am the roommate referenced above, and I personally think Eminem is an extremely talented lyricist, but he squanders it on would-be inflammatory pop culture references that, like Hunter pointed out, are 6 months too late. Come on, Slim, what else have you got?

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